Spiritual Abuse within NewFrontiers

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External links

These links tell varying stories with varying degrees of clarity. I don't by any means endorse all the views expressed. But they may help you build up a picture all the same.

Newfrontiers on Wikipedia (see references for regularly updated links)

(Click here)
A Canadian newspaper published Mike Bravener's story. I called Mike when our thing was going down and said "tell me about when you left NFI". His story bore extraordinary similarities to our own in many respects. The link to the online version of the newspaper is defunct, but Mike has sent me the full text of the article, which I have hosted here (Click here)

The first link I found while Googling: detailed testimony of spiritual abuse

(Click here)

Newfrontiers was also discussed at length on the Reachout Trust forum, which is currently broken. Determined searchers may find results by Googling "Reachout Trust" plus "Newfrontiers" and reading the cached versions.

Homepage of the author whose book first alerted me to spiritual abuse

(Click here)

I have also been sent a review copy of the book Spiritual Abuse Recovery by Barbara Orlowski, thanks Barabara!

My summary of findings on the workings of New Frontiers International Limited from documents available at the Charity Commission website. (The links for the original documents used have changed and records are not kept online after a few years, but details of the charities can be found by exploring that website).

(Click here)

Links updated April 2011